Health and Wellbeing

Horizon Health Centre
Horizon Health Centre provides the General Practice medical services for the area including doctor's surgeries and nurse-led clinics. Services include:
- Support and treatment for diabetes, heart and respiratory disease
- Vaccination clinics
- Antenatal clinics
- Health visitors
- Support to stop smoking
Patients can also take advantage of other services in the centre which might benefit their health. Find out more by visiting our Horizon Health Centre web page. Or, to get in touch with the Horizon Health Centre call 0345 350 3973.
A Lifetime of Experience

A new project run by the For All Healthy Living Centre and funded by St Monica trust.
We want to build on the strengths of older people's experience and skills to support them to stay connected with their local communities, increasing their resilience and contributions, and working with other agencies to ensure no one is left behind.
Over 55? Want to be more involved in your community? Please fill out our contact form or contact Saz at The For All Healthy Living Centre on 01934 427 426.